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Battling Haglund’s Deformity: A Journey Toward Relief

Blog written by Lewis

Experiencing persistent pain and a noticeable bump at the back of your heel?

You could be dealing with Haglund’s Deformity, a less commonly known yet impactful condition. This guide aims to demystify Haglund’s Deformity, outlining its causes, symptoms, and available treatment options for better foot health.

Understanding Haglund’s Deformity

Haglund’s Deformity is characterised by a bony enlargement at the back of the heel, which can lead to significant discomfort and difficulty in wearing certain types of footwear. It often develops quietly, without symptoms, but can escalate into pain and irritation, especially when aggravated by shoes with rigid backs. The condition stems from a mix of genetic factors, foot structure, and lifestyle choices, such as frequently wearing high heels or steel-toed boots.

Symptoms to Watch For


The primary indicators of Haglund’s Deformity are pain, swelling, and redness around the heel area. The situation worsens if the enlargement irritates the Achilles tendon, potentially leading to inflammation or Achilles Tendonitis, making it challenging to engage in everyday activities like walking or running.

Healthy Ankle

Haglund’s Deformity

Haglund’s Deformity
with Inflamed
Tendo & Bursa

Your Podiatrist at the Foot & Ankle Experts will play a crucial role in the management of Haglund’s Deformity


Your podiatrist will provide thorough assessment and personalised treatment advice depending on the severity and nature of the condition. Conservative approaches often include footwear advice, custom orthotics to address biomechanical issues, redistributing pressure away from the affected area, Laser therapy (PBM) to reduce inflammation and accelerate a healing response, and physical therapy to stretch and strengthen the Achilles tendon.

Advanced Podiatric interventions for late stage development  and chronic pain

In more severe cases or when conservative measures prove ineffective, Podiatric Medicine interventions may be necessary. This can include injection therapies such as Prolotherapy or  Autologous Conditioned Plasma Injections, harnessing the natural growth factors found in our blood to help heal damaged tissue.

In more rare instances, some cases of Haglund’s Deformity require surgical procedures to remove the bony prominence and repair the damaged soft tissues.

Early detection and intervention are essential in managing Haglund’s Deformity effectively.

Importance of Early Detection and Action


Effective management of Haglund’s Deformity hinges on early detection and proactive treatment. Engaging with a podiatrist at the Foot & Ankle Experts early on can lead to a customised approach to alleviating symptoms and improving foot health. Educating yourself about the condition and taking decisive steps towards treatment can significantly enhance your quality of life.


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