Lower Limb Rehabilitation
What can you expect as a new patient booking a rehabilitation appointment for your foot and ankle issues?
As a new patient, It is imperative that we have an understanding of your issue prior to beginning rehabilitation.
This is why we will always begin with a small biomechanical assessment. This will consist of questions regarding
the nature of your issue, as well as hands on techniques to find the origin of your problem.
Once we’ve figured out the general location or cause of your issue, we create a client focused rehabilitation plan
based on your level of experience or the severity of your condition. This plan may consist of stretching, balancing, strengthening, mobilising or simply some advice to improve your quality of life.
Once the rehabilitation plan has been created, we will personally guide you through each exercise ensuring you’re doing them correctly and optimally, as to give you comfort in knowing that you are doing the right thing when exercising at home or at the gym.
Returning Patients:
If you are already a patient with us, and are currently receiving help from the likes of Dr Kim or Lewis,
you may have been recommended to start rehabilitation. We usually recommend this appointment for patients who are undergoing other treatment such as injection therapies and PBM laser.
Evidence suggests that beginning rehabilitation as soon as possible after an injury is beneficial to increase strength, regain mobility, reduce pain and prevent further injuries.
Depending on the conditions you present with, there is a range of equipment we can utilise, including:
– Exercise bands – Different colours represent different levels of resistance.
– Bosu ball and ankle cushion – perfect for balancing and proprioceptive exercises.
– Treadmill – For walking or running analysis.
– Sports tape – to keep you feeling secure and comfortable during sport or daily activities.
– Step ladder, weight platform and angled ramp – All can be used for ankle proprioception, stretching
and strengthening.