(07) 3741 2825

Real-time Diagnostic Ultrasound

What is a Diagnostic Ultrasound?

A diagnostic ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of structures inside the body.


How can it help with your pain?

Being able to see detailed images of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels in the affected area during your appointment, can allow Dr Kim to identify potential causes of pain such as muscle tears, tendonitis, ligament injuries, or blood clots. The allows for quicker and more accurate treatment vs other clinics and professionals.

Powerful tool for injections:

In addition to being used to quickly diagnose patient’s problem areas. Dr Kim will use the ultrasound to accurately inject a range of injections which can kick start or boost a patients recovery from an injury.

Practitioners who offer this service:


Principal Podiatrist & Medical Director